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Energigemenskaper i Sverige


For the members of an energy community, research shows that there are many different driving forces. The driving forces can be grouped into several different areas such as political, economic, environmental, technological and social societal benefits. Examples of driving forces are:

  • Reduced emissions of greenhouse gases

  • Local ownership and decision-making power over energy

  • Independent of energy companies

  • The profit is kept in the local community

  • Local and renewable electricity supply

  • The members of the microgrid share local electricity production

  • Self-sufficient

  • Own production at lower costs

  • Increased energy efficiency

  • Gives members knowledge about energy production and distribution

  • Contributes to developing local communities

EU arbetar för att inrätta minst en ENERGIGEMENSKAP för förnybar energi i varje kommun över 10.000 invånare senast 2025. 


For the members of an energy community, research shows that there are many different driving forces. The driving forces can be grouped into several different areas such as political, economic, environmental, technological and social societal benefits. Examples of driving forces are:

  • Reduced emissions of greenhouse gases

  • Local ownership and decision-making power over energy

  • Independent of energy companies

  • The profit is kept in the local community

  • Local and renewable electricity supply

  • The members of the microgrid share local electricity production

  • Self-sufficient

  • Own production at lower costs

  • Increased energy efficiency

  • Gives members knowledge about energy production and distribution

  • Contributes to developing local communities


From a societal perspective, energy communities are needed for a number of reasons.


  • The communities are often seen as part of a decentralized energy system that can increase capacity locally and at the same time increase security of supply.

  • A community can also help reduce power peaks on the electricity grid.

  • By customers joining an energy community, their position on the electricity market is also strengthened.

  • In addition, they are expected to contribute to increasing the share of renewable energy in society.

Olika faser i energigemenskaper


For the members of an energy community, research shows that there are many different driving forces. The driving forces can be grouped into several different areas such as political, economic, environmental, technological and social societal benefits. Examples of driving forces are:

  • Reduced emissions of greenhouse gases

  • Local ownership and decision-making power over energy

  • Independent of energy companies

  • The profit is kept in the local community

  • Local and renewable electricity supply

  • The members of the microgrid share local electricity production

  • Self-sufficient

  • Own production at lower costs

  • Increased energy efficiency

  • Gives members knowledge about energy production and distribution

  • Contributes to developing local communities

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