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Mindre sårbar i Aardehuis

7 feb. 2024

Feed in of solar electricity is deducted from the consumption.

– Interview: Ferdi Hummelink

They built their houses themselves a long time ago, including their network such as the sewer system (and purification) and drinkwater system. As it was not allowed to have private grid at the time of the construction of the houses (before 2013) this was (as normal) supplied by the DSO Enexis. 

They have about 85 kWp PV on the houses and 71 kWp on their carport which means a production of about 150.000. kWh annually 

The yearly (brut) consumption is about 100.000 kWh so a surplus of 50.000 kWh. But in reality this is a bit less because now (since last year) EV-loading stations are included in the consumption figure. 

One might conclude they are (more than) selfsuffcient. But in reality they still use a lot of electricity from the external grid when it is dark (evenings and winters), They are now experimenting (together with the University ofTwente and the University of Aalborg, Denmark)  with a neighbourhood battery, a neighbourhood monitoring system, load steering and an Energy management system, all with subvention by he EU (otherwise it would be to expensive). 

Grid-operator Enexis does not participate in this and does not give any kind of remuneration for energy balancing by private houses (ass is still a fact in the whole of the Netherlands) 

But the latest news is that Aardehuis start with some (non profit) energy cooperations and Enexis to do a innovative pilot project with Aardehuizen focusing on energy balancing with a possible outcome that they might give them lower net- or gridtarifs.

These nettarifs are off course only a small part of all electricity costs (€ / kWh) invoiced by the energy supplers (not grid operator).

In the Netherlands there is a system of "saldering" untill 2027; which means that the feed in of solar electricity is deducted from the consumption, against the same price on a year base. However this gives electricity peak problems on the Dutch grid (negative energyprices) so many suppliers are now starting to invoice feed-in costs to households. 

Guest writer Ferdi Hummelink

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